Wiping As Intended

Application Template

7 years 3 days ago - 2 years 1 month ago #1 by Draknaa
[size=6]Personal information[/size]
[b]Real name:[/b]




[b]Tell us a bit about yourself (eg. what do you do for a living?):[/b]

[b]We use teamspeak 3 for voice communication. Do you have a microphone and are you able to use it?[/b]

[size=6]Character information[/size]
[b]Character name and Armory link (including any currently played alts):[/b]

[b]Main spec:[/b]

[b]An in combat screenshot of your User Interface with visible keybindings:[/b]

[b]Link any logs to demonstrate your ability (it's very unlikely for us to accept an application with no logs):[/b]

[b]Please explain your stat priority:[/b]

[b]Please explain what talents you're using and in what situations you use each (single target, cleave, aoe etc.):[/b]

[b]Where do you go to improve your knowledge about your class?:[/b]

[size=6]Raiding information[/size]
[b]Have you got any commitments that might cause you to miss raids (e.g. irregular work schedule):[/b]

[b]Furthermore are there any upcoming events that will limit your availability:[/b]

[b]A detailed summary of your PvE experience since Mists of Pandaria (Only include content cleared while it was current and what character you played at the time):[/b]

[b]Former guild(s) and why you decided to leave:[/b]

[b]Why do you want to join us?:[/b]

[b]Why should we pick you?:[/b]

[b]What do you expect from us?:[/b]

[b]Anything else you would like to add to make your application stand out (accomplishments in other games etc)?:[/b]

[b]Keep in mind that your application is our first impression of you. Are you happy with the image it gives us of you?:[/b]
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